Saturday, July 31, 2010

The bathroom makeUNDER before & after

Happy Saturday to all!
I have finally managed to snap a few photos of the finished bathroom~ aka: the bathroom on a budget makeunder.  I will remind you what it looked like before (much to my horror).

can you believe that we lived with this for two years? 


and now.....

classic and simple, and more 1908 than 1968
the shower curtain is from Anthropologie. I've waited SEVEN years to buy it.

I've got a little dressing table for this area under the window
but it's in our guest room for now

ahhhhh!!!  It's DONE! 

Monday, July 26, 2010

It's been awhile!

I hate to think that summer as I know it is wrapping up.... but it is.  Seattle has been such a wonderful (and much needed) break from the Houston routine.  We've been enjoying our little Emerald City as if we are tourists~ traveling to different islands by ferry, hopping on the monorail to head downtown, and buying Space Needle snow globes, along with other silly little items to "remember" our home sweet home.

But come August 14th, we're headed back to Texas for another nine months. In the meantime, my posts will be short.... because I've still got a whole bunch of Seattle to enjoy before we go. 

Oh... and the bathroom is done. Yay! Photo coming soon. Happy summer to you all.